Monday, October 27, 2008

A collection of thoughts

This particular post wont really follow any structure. Its more of a collection of thoughts that have been floating in the vast (and some may argue, empty) cavern that is my mind. You've been warned.

The biggest thought winging around aformentioned cavern as of late has been 'God, I really dont want to go back home.' Which is odd, because i've hardly entered crunch time. I've still got seven weeks left. I think i've contracted that most deadly of diseases known as wanderlust. I havent determined whether this is good or bad. Its probably a bit of both. They are starting a brand new project in Zambia which i'm very interested in doing. It would be almost exclusively very young lion cubs and they actually need help there. I REALLY want to do other things, but I have the obligation to be home for christmas and the pressure of doing the college grind. Quite annoying.

One trip that I absolutely plan on doing (Although I havent a clue when) would be going to Alaska or some other place and going on an extended "Hiking trip". I've had the vague notion before, and i'm sure some of you have had the pleasure of listening to me go on about it on several occasions, but this experience has planted it firmly along the tracks that my mind tends to wander.

I've also reaffirmed my belief that I would rather be happy and poor then wealthy and miserable. I would gladly be payed a pittance if it meant I could be happy in my work. Too much stock is placed in money and things. The IT guy quit, so i've been helping to solve the problems in their internet cafe. I jokingly said that if they fed me and kept a roof over my head I would do it full time. After thinking on it, I really would do that if I was given the opportunity. I may not be working with the lions all the time, but just living in this beautiful country would be worth it.

I do apologize for the somewhat sporatic style of writing, but I am doing it off the top of my head. All while a little sandglass at the top of my screen reminds me that my time connected to "civilization" is trickling away.


Dad said...

Hey Dude! Pretty cool stuff. If you are going to stay over there, let us know soon - we have already rented out your room and want to sell your car to pay for your trip! (kidding!!!!!!)

Miss you!
Love Dad

PS - Don't forget to call your mother.

Anonymous said...

Your Dad's not kidding, I rent your room and I rent your car out to teenagers that are uninsured. Nice photos. If a Lion chases you, do you run uphill or downhill? Or are you supposed to make yourself look big and growl. I'm messing around. Enjoy yourself, Cedog

Denise said...

Dad's not kidding....he promised Rachel the car so she can come down here to florida to visit her fav cousin Marisa. REALLY enjoying your blogs. Follow your dreams hunny, we love you too