Monday, November 17, 2008

Fire breaks and Leprechauns!

Yesterday was probably one of my favorite days here so far.

Ed (One of the senior staff here) approached the Volunteers yesterday and asked for help creating fire breaks. Mr. Connolly (The owner of Antelope park) asked that the entire center of the park be burnt in order to encourage greenery to grow and thus have the game gather in the middle rather then the outskirts (Which is always being burnt due to fires from outside the park leaping the fence). We were warned that it would be incredibly hard and hot work and that it was not for the faint of heart. I, of course, volunteered to do it the entire day rather then the one session that most chose. It was indeed hard and hot work but it was great fun! The flames were spectacular and it was very satisfying setting large swaths of long grass aflame. The work was split into two parts. One group would light the fires and one group would use large branches to put the fire out.

The only downside to volunteering to do this for most of the day was that I burnt off most of my arm hair! It looks strange having mostly bare arms. Hopefully it grows back.

After burning the central area of the park down we returned to have dinner and then a going away party for Jackie (One of the staff members that is moving to Zambia to assist with the new project there). It was great fun. The Deysels (general managers of the park) allowed the lion handlers and other Zim staff to attend the party and good times were had by all. At one point in the evening Lucky (One of the lion handlers) dressed up in Bazz's (An Irish photographer) Leprechaun suit. Everyone could not stop laughing. To top it all off, I had this morning off and got to sleep in until 8:30! Around here an extra two hours sleep makes all the difference.

Tomorrow I go to Victoria Falls with the newer group of Volunteers. This is very good, as I get along with them infintely more then with the older group. On top of that, Shelton (of the two project managers, hes the one we like more) is going to be our driver and guide. I'm looking forward to doing the white water rafting and eating some good food. Part of me is looking forward to doing the Bungee and part of me is dreading it. It should be an interesting six days.

1 comment:

Dad said...

That is awesome! Hard work, but rewarding just the same. Don't worry, your hair will grow back!


By the way, the 2nd picture is funny - you look like you have a giant green afro with the tree behind you.