Later this afternoon I went horseback riding through the park for the second time. My first time I found myself astride Cassio, a very large and stubborn bush horse. Clayton (One of the stable hands and my instructor for the day) said I handled him very well. I enjoyed riding Cassio quite a bit. You just need to be dominant and provide constant encouragement when cantering and trotting-lest he slow to a walk. Today, on the other hand, my not so trusty steed was Jackson. Jackson is the polar opposite of Cassio. While very stubborn, he randomly breaks into trots, canters, and occasionaly gallops and so you are required to keep him on a very short leash.
Now, for the pictures...
Ahh man Will...You are having so many experiences the rest of us will never have...I am somewhat jealous but its good for you lol. Are you staying longer in Africa? Or are you coming home for christmas? You ranted about not wanting to come back so I am currrious..
Cool picture of the elephants face. I'm really jealous you get to play with them! Was it fun swimming with them? Keep posting those pics!!! Love ya.
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