Friday, November 14, 2008

Checking in

In the past few days nothing momentous has happened, just the same enjoyable activities.

I've gotten to know the cubs here very well. I particularly like Echo because hes such a big teddy bear. Very affectionate and always rubbing up against your leg and wanting a cuddle. Its easy to forget sometimes that he could kill you without even breaking a sweat. He and his brother have gotten quite big. They are going to be retired, i'm told, sometime in December. They're getting way to big to walk at 18 months old!

I've been on several snare sweeps in the past week and a half and have enjoyed them immensely. This makes me seem a bit strange in the eyes of most Vols here as the majority of them dislike it...but oh well. Not the first time i've come across as strange and it certainly wont be the last. I've got quite the nack for finding snares, too. Taka, one of the lion handlers here, is always joking that I should get a job in anti-poaching. It wouldn't be the worst job in the world but I couldn't stand not being able to work with the lions.

I've been on a few more horse rides and i'm getting passably skilled at it. I have the trot down very well and hopefully i'll be mastering the canter next. I've been sticking to my trusty mount Cassio as we get along very well.

On the nineteenth I will be going to Victoria Falls on the boarder of Zim and Zambia. It will be a nice change of pace and food. It is alot easier to get food in Vic Falls as it is on the boarder and people make regular trips across to Zambia to purchase goods. I plan on doing many things up there, among them being white water rafting and a bungee jump (if I can gather the courage to do it!). I will certainly take many a photograph and have multiple updates on how it went upon my return.


Dad said...

Dude - you can do it! I have all of the confidence in the world you can. You made it to the top of the Eiffel Tower, I think you can handle this. The rafting also sounds cool, should be a lot of fun.


Anonymous said...