Sunday, November 2, 2008

Catching up

In the past few days, we have had a few events of modest import.

We have had two night encounters. A night encounter involves taking out fairly full grown lions to hunt game at night. We accompany them in a vehicle and assist them with a spotlight so they can find game easier. The first night encounter we took out Lossi and Luengwa and we had some decent chases but no kills. On the second we took out the boys from Hunters enclosure. Some very good chases but again, no kills. It must be said, however, that fully grown lions at night are both magnificant and somewhat intimidating.

A rather famous explorer by the name of Sir Ran paid us a visit with his family and was kind enough to grace us with a set of stories from his travels. He has done alot. He's been all over the world and has broken/holds several records including transversing the world by passing through both the north and south pole. A very impressive feat. On a morning lion walk we had an interesting conversation about the state of the world, travelling, and surprisingly enough-philosophy. He actually holds the same philosophy on life that I do. A very relaxed view that makes it a point of enjoying life. What brought him 'round to the same philosophy that I follow was his trip to the Catacombs of Paris and the fact that there are over 6 million bodys buried down there. All without names. Yet, they each had their own stories, dramas, successes and failures. Six. Million. It is our nature, however, to see our own lives as so very important. A roaring fire surrounded by flickering candles. We are self centered by nature. In reality, we are as a single ant in a colony. It was interesting meeting someone with the same views as myself. As for Sir Ran, he was very impressed that I had come to the realizations that I have at the age of nineteen. He, on the other hand, said that he only adopted it at the age of 55 and has been living it for eight years now. He said he has been incredibly happier.

It is now time to go on a snare sweep. Hurrah. I'll most likely put up some more pictures later tonight.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ahh, a great man this must be, so few of us share the same view upon our world, so even rarer it is to find another person that shares it, your ventures so far sound very, very great, i envy you very much so. So the best of travels to you and i hope your journey continues to be changing as i am sure it already is.
