Pictures, pictures, and more pictures! Or, at least, as many as I could upload considering its 10 minutes minimum PER PICTURE. Its your lucky day, because i'm also throwing in storys and ramblings completely free of charge. Thats a 100,000 zimbabwaen dollar value absolutely free.
So, without further adue.

This is, I believe, Puma eating a very prime cut of beef. He may look scary, but he's actually a big teddy bear. Until you piss him off. Then he can be a teeny bit unnerving. I got a boatload of pictures from these boys feeding and also a few videos! They are VERY good videos. I'll have to wait until I return to upload them though. A single picture takes 10ish minutes. Three cheers for Zim internet.

Myself and the two lovely ladies Sahara and Sahriah.

Again, me and the ladies.

Me and Echo relaxing on a rock.
Now that you folks have some pictures, i'll begin with the stories and ramblings.
After adjusting my perspective on things, i've found I love it here. Absolutely love it. The terrain is beautiful, the animals are lovely, and the people are friendly. Best of all, its a very relaxed and easy going culture. As i've said, i'm not really an integral part of the process here. But after thinking about it, thats not surprising. This place has to be fully functional regardless of the number of volunteers. Or lack thereof. I think i'm going to be in trouble upon my return to the states. Its a very different environment. Although, we are in a sort of bubble here. This park isnt nearly as impacted by Zim's current situation as the rest of the country.
Now, for your entertainment, story time!
Thursday morning I went on a six hour long walk (6:30-12:30ish) with Sahara and Sahria and they were very well behaved. They stalked several Water buffalo and almost caught a warthog! Sahara was sniffing around its den when it charged. Sahara chased after it and Sahria ran the other way! Not a very brave for a lion, that Sahria. Lucky for me, they were also feeling very photogenic that morning. I've got oodles of pictures. Yes, I said oodles. Theres that many and they're that good.
This morning I went on another six hour walk with Echo and Ektosha and they were feeling very silly apparently. After walking and watching them stalk each other, we settled down for a rest and a bite to eat. Echo got ahold of some rubber and threw a hissy fit when Tinofa (the handler) tried to take it away. Just so your aware, when a 18 month old male lion throws a hissy fit its a bad thing. Much growling and snapping and Tino almost got his head taken off. We finally got it away from Echo and he settled down and slept. Until a mule drawn cart went by. Upon which he BOLTED in the other direction and wouldnt return until after it had departed. Evidently the big, bad, stubborn Echo has an irrational fear of mule drawn carriages. Hes quite the spaz.
Todays afternoon walk of the two S's was particularly eventful and amusing. Despite being fed that day, they were very active and stalky. We encountered a group of Zebra with a particularly nasty stallion leading it. There was a standoff of sorts that happened. The stallion would charge the two cubs, who would then back off. Then the cubs would charge the Zebra...who would kick and narrowly miss them with its massive rear legs. After ten minutes of this, the cubbys decided to take a seat. The old man (his name given by the folks here, apparently hes chased off quite a few of the lions here.) did not appreciate this. He charged them and chased them into the distance. Evidently Zebra can be very nasty creatures.
The rest of the volunteers returned tonight. They're a very fun/hilarious group. Its going to be a fun two months.